Event Volunteer
Volunteering at events involves various roles including setting up for the event and packing down.
Event set up – involves helping set up gazebos, tables, cleaning toilets, preparing and cleaning Paws Café and Gift Shop and setting up for activities.
Meet and Greet – booking in visitors and explaining where toilets, and other facilities are located along with explaining what is going on.
Shelter Guide – Guide guests around the shelter and show around the Retirement Village and farm animal area. For guides who do not normally volunteer at the shelter there will be a training day to help guides learn about the Retirement Villagers and get acquainted with the shelter residents and homing pens.
Paws for a Cuppa Server – This involves making teas, coffees, hot chocolate and serving cakes, servers will be taking both cash and card payments, clearing away dirty trays and washing up.
Cake Baker – baking items to be sold in the Paws for a Cuppa Café. It is essential that any allergens are noted and what items are normally made in the kitchen so we can make people aware of allergens created in the kitchen where the cakes have been made.
Car Park Attendant – Monitoring the car park and directing people to spaces, ensuring that those who have booked a disabled or Blue Badge parking space are directed to them.
Gift Shop Volunteer – Set up gift shop and take payments for goods both cash and card.
Workshop Volunteer – Set up, book attendees in, help prepare teas, coffees and refreshments, clear up afterwards including washing up cups and plates, and guide people around the shelter.
Packing Down and Clean Up - helping to clean up after event and taking down tents and packing away tables etc.