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book buddies a huge success

Susie Phillips

We had our first Book Buddies event yesterday and it was a huge success. Our volunteers and resident cats loved the day and from the response from our visitors they did too. Rudy the shelter managers cat who she hand reared from a day old ensured he entertained our visitors after they finished reading by stealing a stick toy from the gift shop and then leaping around playing with it with the children.

There was a lovely atmosphere and the cats really enjoyed being read to. The more nervous cats became more outgoing and approaching when the children and adults started to read to them. It really showed how beneficial reading to cats can be for people and the cats and we are currently working on a grant application so we can offer this to groups that would find it really beneficial but financially may struggle with transport costs. Of course we are also planning more dates for public Book Buddies events like yesterdays.

If you work or volunteer with a group or school that you feel may find Book Buddies beneficial please contact us via



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