Wow what a busy weekend we had with Book Buddies on Saturday 1st April and our first Open Day of the year on Sunday 2nd April.
The weather was kind and Sunday afternoon was beautiful once the sun came out after initially being grey and cold.
Both days were sold out and the volunteers worked hard to ensure the shelter was ready for it's guests including baking cakes to be sold in the Paws for a Cuppa cafe.
We started the weekend with Book Buddies, Jessica Keane the author of Mia is Lost came along and told Mia's story before she has her adventure in her book Mia is Lost. Jessica also helped with creating cat crowns and had some fabulous activity sheets about all the animals in her book.
The Madam Mayor of Shrewsbury Elisabeth Roberts came to Book Buddies along with Erin and Martha. They enjoyed visiting and read Mia is Lost to our Retirement Village residents
"Reading to cats is such a lovely idea to help both children and cats!" (Madam Mayor Elisabeth Roberts).
Adults and children enjoyed reading to the cats. It really is a valuable way to help those who find reading difficult or reading out loud intimidating, the cats response to people reading to them is really special and encourages the most nervous reader to continue. It is equally rewarding for those who love to read.
People shared their experience on their Facebook and Instagram accounts and there were some lovely pictures and films.
Our Open Day was very busy we had kids activities including learning to become a shelter helper. Our cafe was super busy with people enjoying a cuppa and a piece of cake. People loved meeting our Retirement Village residents and freerangers. Guests got to meet the cats we have waiting for their foreverhomes in the homing pens. Everyone understood why we had closed off the nursery due to expectant mums and new mums who had given birth in the last week, they needed quiet and warmth. It was lovely to meet our supporters and introduce them to the cats in our care.
Our gift shop not only provided the opportunity for people to buy goodies for themselves and their cats but also provided extra entertainment. Pongo and Rudy were a tag team going into the shop to steal toys. They were given a decoy Yeoww cat nip toy to help prevent them from stealing other toys, much to everyone's amusement.
People's generosity over the weekend and lovely comments made it even more special for our volunteers.
Our next Open Day will be Sunday 21st May 12-4pm check out our events page for further information and to book your arrival slot.
Book Buddies will be back in June we are just confirming volunteer availability.
We are all volunteers and it is so lovely to be able to put on events. If you are interested in volunteering at our events we would love to hear from you as we have plans to put more events on and having extra help will mean we can. To apply to volunteer at events please complete our online form
The freerangers took their meet and greet roles very seriously. Pongo also helped with clean up by eating cake crumbs from a dropped cake. Philly briefly joined in after escaping the Retirement Village.