On Friday 25 March volunteers gathered at our shelter to start packing donations for the Paws For Ukraine lorry. This lorry is taking animal welfare aid to Poland to help Foundation ADA who are rescuing animals from the Ukraine. They have also set up pop up shelters and taken in pets carried over the border by their owners but for different reasons can’t continue on their journey with them, it is hoped they will be reunited as soon as possible. They are also setting up a Traumatised Animal Adaption Centre that will be open for incoming animals 24/7.
Volunteers were supervised by our shelter’s free ranger cats. Bertie instantly inspected boxes and food donations until he found a comfy bed to test out where he stayed until it was packed, he of course then moved on to boxes and found the highest vantage point possible.

Rudi and Sushi sniffed out items to check they were up to scratch.
Flump and Maya investigated and guarded the packed and weighed boxes waiting to be loaded in to vehicles to take to where storing until they go on their long journey.
Hector the shelter managers dog decided to assist weighing the boxes and Bertie clearly thought it was weigh in day as he got on a box being weighed.
The volunteers worked really hard and we are all so thankful for all the wonderful donations coming in via our Amazon wish list and collection points. Other rescues are donating items too Cuan House, Grinshill Rescue and Stray Cat Rescue, Albrighton have all donated items.
Donations can still be made to our shop and other collection points along with purchases from our Amazon wish list.
The last day to get these to us is 5 April 2022.
Thank you everyone for the amazing support, please check out our Paws For Ukraine blog for collection drop off points and items needed.
For more information or to become a collection drop off point please contact
Susie on 07726 179602 or email sales@shropshirecatrescue.org.uk
Together we can make a difference.
