PURR Project
The PURR (Plan for Ultimate Rescue Relocation) project is our £2m capital appeal fundraising campaign. Over the past 30 years we have been caring for abandoned and unwanted pets in the region and in that time demand for our help and support has grown significantly. The reality is that we have now outgrown our current site and premises, and in order to help us continue our work we need to find a new home.
As well as caring for cats and kittens and rehoming them wherever we can, we want to expand and deliver new services so we’ve launched our PURR Project appeal to help us achieve our vision.
Our big plan is to:
Up to 10 acres of land with buildings near to our current rescue centre.

To a larger site with more opportunities to develop our services.
A centre for our cats and kittens. Which will include a educational visitor experience for our supporters to learn all about cats.
this will allow us to:

our rehoming and shelter facilities to help more cats and kittens in need

our senior and super senior care fascilities.

our educational work with all ages to increase awareness of cats specific care needs.

our education and community programmes to promote mutual well-being, understanding, and respect between people and animals. Whilst highlighting the importance of the human animal bond.
RESCUE PENS for cats waiting for new homes
A BRAND NEW NURSERY to give the youngest cats the best possible start in life
A BRAND NEW PET HOSPITAL to provide on-site treatment facilities for visiting vets
A NEW RETIREMENT VILLAGE for our adored elderly and disabled cats to live comfortable lives in their twilight years’
A CAT EXERCISE/PHYSIO AREA to help rehabilitate and encourage movement in a safe environment with equipment designed for cats.
A NEW EDUCATION CENTRE to deliver pet welfare workshops and pet care classes for school children, Duke of Edinburgh and post-16 students, adults, other agencies and charities
STAFF ACCOMMODATION for employees and volunteers to stay on-site so that our cats and kittens have support 24/7
A NEW COMMUNITY HUB providing space for community groups and fundraising events
NEW VISITOR FACILITIES including reception, shops, cafe, toilets, increased car parking, picnic area and peaceful landscaped gardens
FIELDS and ENCLOSURES for our other residents - guinea pigs, ponies and sheep (who are just as popular with our visitors as the cats!)

Until we find a location, this design represents the areas and concept. New buildings will be built to be accessible and using eco-friendly sustainable methods.
Words from our Patron
“I am very touched to have been invited to become a Patron of Shropshire Cat Rescue’s Big PURR project.
It is a very exciting and, obviously, much-needed development of the wonderful work already being done by Shropshire Cat Rescue.
I know, too, that it it not only cats who are the fortunate ones – sheep, ponies and other species of animals are also taken in and cared for.
What I also admire about the project is the inclusive educational aspect. It is only through greater understanding of the animals, with their individual needs and feelings, that we can all – hopefully – treat them with compassion and respect. I look forward to learning more about this marvellous venture and wish it all the support it deserves.”
Virginia McKenna OBE